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Summer Church Camps

Our summer church camp season is quickly approaching!  Camp is for kids completing 1st-12th grades, and Pleasant Dale offers 2 choices of camps.  Camp Mack camps start at 1st grade and go through 12th grade, and they have some unique specialty camps to choose from.  Camp Cotubic offers camps for grades 2-12


Financial Information:
We will not be having a fundraiser this year.  We still have a surplus of funds.  Because of this surplus, our campership/ fundraiser fund will cover ¼ the cost of your child’s camp.  Additionally, the Pleasant Dale camp fund will cover another ½ .  Therefore, your total financial responsibility will be ¼ the total cost of camp. *Exception #1:  If you choose to send your child to one of Camp Mack’s specialty camps (splash, culinary, archery, etc….), we will pay ¾ of the base rate for your child’s camp, and you will be responsible for the difference in the cost between regular camp and specialty camp.  (Contact me if you want confirmation about how much you will owe!  It can be confusing!).

Important:  Your child is considered a PD kid if your family attends church regularly or if your child regularly attends Faith Troopers, PDX, or PDY!  So, if your child is involved at Pleasant Dale, this financial information section applies to your child.

Do not let cost be a factor in choosing not to send your child to camp.  Please contact me if you need an additional scholarship.


Registration for Camp Mack

Camp Mack opens registration February 25.

This year, you must register online, and you must use our church’s code to indicate the portion that the church has agreed to pay.  This year, the church will pay 75% of the base rate as indicated in the financial section.  This is less than the “required deposit.”  Camp Mack is aware and assures me that your child will be registered when you pay your 25%.  You should pay this 25% directly to the camp at the time of registration.

For Samplers camp (1st/2nd graders), your code is 21PD1.
For all other camps, your code is 21PD5.

Since there are two codes, if a parent is registering using both codes for different children, it would be necessary to register them in two separate transactions.

After registering, you must forward a copy of your registration to our camp coordinator, Julie Schwartz, so that we can have a record of who attends camp, and we can accurately pay the church’s portion of the fees. You will receive a confirmation from Julie when she receives your email.

Registration for Camp Cotubic

Camp Cotubic registration is currently open.

If your child has completed grade 8-12, they will attend Teen Camp.  June 10-15

If your child has completed grade 5-7, they will attend Discovery Camp.  June 16-21

If your child has completed grade 2-4, they will attend Voyager Camp.  June 30-July4

When you register, you will need to choose “pay later” if you want to have PD pay the 75%. With that option, you will just pay your portion when you drop your child off at camp. After Julie Schwartz receives your copy of registration, she will let you know how much you are responsible for.


After registering, you must forward a copy of your registration to our camp coordinator, Julie Schwartz, so that we can have a record of who attends camp, and we can accurately pay the church’s portion of the fees. You will receive a confirmation from Julie when she receives your email.

Pleasant Dale Church | Decatur, Indiana
Mature in Faith |  Live in Hope |  Serve in Love

1 Thessalonians 1:3

© 2016 by Pleasant Dale Church.

Pleasant Dale Church
4504 W 300 N, Decatur, IN

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